Saturday, May 29, 2010

sum new art "corazoncitos y pescaditos"

rusted junks nails old cords washers wire buttons paint fun and more junk...

bottle caps nails rusted timn cans diamond platefun and more fun...

broom handles paint brushes old rusted spikes and color ,fun an more color...

paint can lids drapery pins old jumprope and colorful funness...

el pato salsa cans tash fun.

el pato cans,old note book cover, etc.

bottle caps, aluminum siding,

rusted metal, wire, etc

steamer parts, tea ballers,old wood,beads, etc...

old stove parts , wire, fun

bottle caps, el pato salsa, cans paint rollers, metal scraps,etc.

wire bottle caps aluminum

steamers paint brushes golf balls etc.

its just trash, color, and a whole bunch of fun

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